The LoDown
Marketing insights, musings and more from the experts at LoSasso.
Marketing insights, musings and more from the experts at LoSasso.
Some team members from LoSasso recently traveled to Indianapolis for the annual CNH Parts & Service Expo to support our client and connect with the […]
As B2B marketers, we need to coordinate our interactive marketing initiatives to maintain consistency throughout several different channels. Social media enhances the value of email and in return, email maximizes social media efforts. Email campaigns give marketers the opportunity to expose their brands as much as possible. It is the most cost effective interactive tool and increasing in its effectiveness. Email allows marketers to deliver a valuable visualization of their message through the user experience.
Markets compete through superior exchanges of value. Successful marketers are aware of consumer trends and changing marketing dynamics. Customer value is what you get from what you give. In the past, value was focused on demand stimulation. Today to flourish in a B2B world, customization and segmentation are the most important frontiers in business competition.
Facebook may have a serious following of 600 million worldwide but LinkedIn is the number one social media network in terms of growth; 1 million […]
More and more brands are jumping onto social media sites without asking themselves one simple question: Why? Most have walked blindly into the social media arena because it’s free or because everyone else is doing it, without an actual social media strategy. Many have failed to realize that having accounts on Twitter, Facebook or MySpace, posting videos on YouTube, or creating a blog does not mean that you have a social media strategy.
Don’t miss our marketing tips, tricks and insights to inspire your next move.
There are positive signs that the metalworking industry is gaining momentum. In looking at the activity coming through the paid search campaigns we’re running for […]